Friday, July 8, 2011

New Music - Fleet Foxes new album - Helplessness Blues

MUSIC BLOG: Fleet Foxes
What?! You haven’t heard of the Fleet Foxes? Oh just wait, because you will very soon. This mostly bearded band from the misty Northwest has just released their second album Helplessness Blues. The well blended vocal harmonies are reminiscent of days nearer to those of Simon and Garfunkel and Moody Blues. If you let it, their music can transport you to another place and time. Songs like “Lorelai” are instant classics with perfectly plucked guitar arpeggios that make me sway and close my eyes to pretend Cat Stevens never left us for Yusaf. The lead singer and skilled songwriter, Robin Pecknold, has a talented knack for writing deeply introspective lyrics that questions life’s purposes and reasons. A perfect example is the opening line to the new album on the song “Montezuma” which begins “So now I am older than my mother and father when they had their daughter, now what does that say about me?”
In many instances throughout the record the songs are layered with a complexity that is very enjoyable to hear play out. After listening to their music, I think this band is one of the first great bands to have emerged onto the new music scene. They only came to us in 2008 with their self titled album Fleet Foxes and amazed the masses with “Tiger Mountain Peasant Song,” Surprisingly, but not surprisingly, First Aid Kit, a sister duo from Sweden did a catchy tribute to the melodious song on YouTube and the video went viral and still to this day they have more hits than the Fleet Foxes themselves. But with songs like “Bedouin Dress” and the ever so catchy violin riffs that remind me of any classic breakdown in a Beatles song, these guys are sure to take their place among the greats.
You can download the FREE MP3 self titled track “Helplessness Blues” on their website to get a taste of what the Fleet Foxes can do. I remind you though, this is only a small sampling of the harmonious delights and I would whole-heartedly recommend you go and purchase their music. It shan’t let you down. In fact, you may never be the same again after listening to the Fleet Foxes music because is it something special, so special that once you’ve had it, you can’t go back to life without it.
Music Blog
By Harley Rowan

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